Terms and conditions

1. General

1.1 The provider and operator of the SmartDepart app is Airsphere GmbH, Am Technologiepark 8, 82229 Seefeld, telephone: +49 8152 98378 – 00, email: info@airsphere.de (hereinafter: “Airsphere” or “we”).

1.2 These general terms and conditions (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”) apply to all bookings of services by a customer in our SmartDepart app. The terms and conditions of the providers of the services provided through brokerage transactions apply to brokerage transactions.

2. Services from Airsphere

2.1 We offer users of the SmartDepart app various services that can be booked via the app. Please note that the range of services offered is different at each airport and not every service that can theoretically be accessed via the SmartDepart app is actually available at every airport. The user has no right to the availability of a specific service via the SmartDepart app.

2.2 Among the services available to customers via the SmartDepart app, Airsphere’s own services only include (i) the operation of the SmartDepart app, (ii) the provision of the user profile, and (iii) and (iii) functions relating to contactless processing of passengers.

3. Brokerage of airport services for the benefit of third parties

3.1 As a provider and operator of the SmartDepart app, we provide a platform on which third parties can offer their services. We enable customers to select and book the services currently available at a specific airport on the platform. Users are always shown all the services available at an airport in an order determined by Airsphere and the airport. We do not rank, compare or evaluate these third-party services.

3.2 All not listed under section 2.2. The services mentioned available via the SmartDepart app (such as airport operators, lounge operators, parking garage operators or other service providers) are third-party services. These services are not offered by Airsphere via the SmartDepart app under its own responsibility and exclusively as a brokerage transaction (hereinafter: “brokerage transactions”).

3.3 For brokerage transactions, Airsphere is exclusively an online marketplace. As such, Airsphere merely mediates the conclusion of the contract and handles the transaction. In brokerage transactions, Airsphere is neither a creditor nor a debtor for the services brokered. In brokerage transactions, the conclusion of the contract and the exchange of services takes place exclusively between the customer and the service provider.

3.4 Airsphere has no influence on brokerage transactions, in particular not on the nature of the services provided in the brokerage transaction or on the terms and conditions of the respective third party.

3.5 Airsphere assumes no liability for brokerage transactions unless otherwise stipulated in these General Terms and Conditions.

4. Registration and user profile

4.1 In order to use the SmartDepart app, a user profile is required. Creating a user profile is free of charge. The owner of the user account (hereinafter: “the user”) must be of legal age.

4.2 The user is obliged to provide correct information when registering and to immediately update the information in the user profile in the event of subsequent changes.

4.3 The user may only use his user profile himself. He may not pass on his access data to third parties. If the user suspects or knows that third parties have access to the user profile, he is obliged to set a new password immediately.

4.4 We are entitled to temporarily or permanently block the user profile if the user violates his obligations, in particular if he provides false information or provides third parties with access to the user profile. In the event of permanent blocking, the user is not entitled to register again without our express consent.

4.5 Both the user and we can terminate the contract for the creation and use of a user profile at any time without giving reasons. After termination, the user profile and thus all data stored by the user in it will be permanently deleted. The user can terminate his contract by deleting his user profile.

5. In-App-Bookings

5.1 The user can select products by clicking the booking button next to the respective offer. The user can view and change the contents of the shopping cart at any time.

5.2 When the user clicks the “Binding Book” button, he submits the application to conclude a purchase contract for the products listed in the order summary. Up to this point, the user can change the selected products or cancel the ordering process.

5.3 We will confirm receipt of the application by email. A purchase contract is only concluded when we accept the order; This can be done expressly via email confirmation or implicitly by making the service available in the SmartDepart app.

5.4 The contract text is not saved by us and is not accessible to the user; However, we will send the terms of use together with the order confirmation by email.